Latest News for: South africa corruption


Signs of the DA dancing to a new tune with ANC

Independent online (SA) 27 Jul 2024
Even its campaign slogan was “Save South Africa”. The argument was that if voters wanted to “save” South Africa from the “corrupt” ANC, they had to vote the DA into power.

South Africa police detain 95 Libyans at 'military camp'

The New Arab 27 Jul 2024
The Libyans had entered South Africa in April and claimed to be training to be security guards, officials said ... South Africa has porous borders and high corruption and criminality that experts say have made it fertile ground for criminal syndicates.

The prudence of investing outside South Africa: Benefits for local investors

Independent online (SA) 26 Jul 2024
South Africa has abundant resources and strategic geographic position, ... Political instability and corruption are pervasive issues in South Africa, affecting investor confidence and economic performance.

S.African police detain 95 Libyans at suspected military camp

Urdu Point 26 Jul 2024
... cases including rape," Mdhluli said.</p><p>South Africa has porous borders and high corruption and criminality that experts say have made it fertile ground for criminal syndicates.

95 Libyans detained at suspected military camp in South Africa

Hong Kong Standard 26 Jul 2024
South Africa has porous borders and high corruption and criminality which experts say have made it fertile ground for criminal syndicates.&nbsp; ... State (ISIS) operatives based in South Africa. .

Nuclear energy option too expensive, too dangerous for SA

Independent online (SA) 21 Jul 2024
South Africa stands at a crucial crossroad ... Nevertheless, several critical considerations raise doubts about its suitability for South Africa ... Large-scale projects in South Africa have been plagued by corruption and inefficiency.

Weaving the way forward with old ideas a tall order for Ramaphosa’s GNU

Independent online (SA) 19 Jul 2024
Instead of corruption declining, South Africa moved from position 43 to 41 on the corruption index ... As the President reiterated that South Africa will be a ‘construction site’, I looked at the reality ...

South Africa announces creation of Anti-Corruption Academy

Jurist 18 Jul 2024
South Africa’s Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Thembi Simelane announced Wednesday the creation of an anti-corruption academy to train law enforcement officers in combating corruption.

South African president says new coalition government is united in tackling unemployment and poverty

Live Mint 18 Jul 2024
South Africa’s May 29 election was a landmark for South Africa as voters frustrated with those three issues and others delivered the worst result ever for the ANC, which lost the majority it had held ...

Motsoaledi makes strong case for NHI in Budget Vote

Independent online (SA) 18 Jul 2024
However, he said South Africa already spent 8.5% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health, equal to European countries, against a 5% benchmark with little benefit for the wider population. “South Africa far surpassed the 5% recommendation.

Support for democracy in Africa falls amid military coups and corruption

The Observer 17 Jul 2024
South Africa saw the steepest drop in support for democracy, with those ... The biggest falls in satisfaction were in some of the continent’s most stable democracies – South Africa, Botswana and Mauritius.

We’re not doing enough to hold delinquent directors accountable, says IoDSA

Independent online (SA) 16 Jul 2024
For South Africa to overcome and break the vicious cycle of corruption and maladministration, it is imperative to hold directors to account and ensure such individuals found guilty of gross misconduct are not able to serve on any other board.

Making good on broken promises an ideal tribute to Prisoner 466/64

Independent online (SA) 14 Jul 2024
... state capacity … invest(s) in South Africa’s people through quality education and healthcare … address(es) crime and corruption … strengthen(s) social cohesion and build(s) a united nation …”.

Capitalist exploitation fuels debt crisis wracking Africa

The Militant 13 Jul 2024
On June 1 the African National Congress in South Africa — widely denounced as corrupt and a far cry from the organization led by Nelson Mandela that overthrew apartheid — lost its majority rule for the first time in 30 years.

OPINION: Mainstream media is targeting Dondo Mogajane

Independent online (SA) 12 Jul 2024
... to upholding the law and protecting South Africa’s financial integrity ... He stood firm against corruption and malpractice, contributing significantly to safeguarding South Africa’s financial systems.